Kathy Kane, the owner of Kane Creative Consulting, led this amazing experience and made the creative magic happen! The in-person Day of Writing Retreat aligned nicely with my NIA offering because the different activities throughout the day tapped into different parts of the brain to help get the creative juices flowing.
NIA dance stands for neuromuscular integrative action. This combination of healing arts, martial arts, and dance arts helps highlight the unique person within each and every one of us. Who thought going out of your mind and into your body could stir the soul, ignite the heart, and release through your fingertips, going to the pen and onto the page?
We started off using our imaginations, and we turned our fingers into paintbrushes as we danced. Later in the routine, we danced to "Lighten Up" where we pretended to wear stiletto heels and played with our emotions and feelings about looking our best at an upscale party where we may have felt a bit intimidated.
Here's a picture of the group from the day:
